The Path Less Travelled

Capturing Life's Full Spectrum: The Power of Changing Lenses

Acquiring different lenses through which we view reality is essential. These lenses shape our understanding and responses to life’s myriad situations. Since no single perspective fits every scenario, some lenses can be self-destructive in specific contexts, while others enable growth and deeper understanding of our material world.

What Do We Mean by “Lenses”?

As a photographer, I often change my camera lenses based on the subject I’m shooting. For example, capturing a vast landscape requires a wide-angle lens to encompass the scene's full beauty. Attempting to use a narrow lens for such a scene would miss the bigger picture and lead to unsatisfactory results. Similarly, in life, we need the right lens to view and interpret our experiences accurately.

The Photographer's Analogy: Focusing and Broadening Perspectives

Just as photographers switch lenses based on the subject, we need to adjust our mental lenses depending on our life situations. Sometimes, it’s crucial to narrow down and be laser-focused on what’s right in front of us. This is akin to using a macro lens in photography, which captures the small details of an object, bringing out its intricacies and nuances. In life, this focus allows us to hone in on immediate tasks or problems, addressing them with precision and clarity.

On other occasions, we need to adopt a broader perspective. This is similar to using a wide-angle lens in photography to capture the entire landscape. By zooming out, we can see the bigger picture, which helps us not get caught up in present problems or melodramas. This shift in perspective often brings clarity and a deeper understanding of our place within the larger context of our lives.

The Ego Lens vs. The True Self Lens

Many challenges require us to adopt a lens of opportunity, viewing difficulties as growth prospects. Often, we default to the ego lens, which is in constant conflict with reality. The ego lens fails to see the broader picture, leading to pain and suffering when reality doesn't meet its expectations. While the ego lens isn’t inherently bad and serves many functions, it can be limiting and self-destructive.

When we recognize the limitations of the ego lens, we are compelled to seek another perspective—the lens of our true self, our core, our soul. This lens allows us to navigate life with peace, harmony, and faith. It provides a grounded sense of being beyond our physical and mental struggles, enabling us to observe rather than react, and to put our problems into perspective. This lens transcends the dualities of good and bad, helping us accept reality as it is without force.

Embracing the True Self Lens

Unlocking this lens can lead to profound changes. Our actions, often driven by ego-based goals, become more aligned with our true path. The ego excels at planning, but life rarely goes exactly as planned. When things deviate from our plans, we face a choice: continue with the ego lens and fight reality or switch to a lens that offers a broader, deeper understanding.

Using the true self lens allows us to take the path of least resistance, fostering acceptance and alignment with life’s flow. From this place, we can adapt and embrace the magical experiences life offers. Just as the right camera lens facilitates creative expression, the right life lens enables us to live fully and harmoniously.

In conclusion, by choosing the appropriate lens for each situation, we can transform our experiences and unlock our fullest potential, just as selecting the right lens in photography brings out the best in our photos. Whether we need to focus on the minute details or broaden our view to see the full picture, having the flexibility to switch lenses is key to navigating life’s complexities.

In life, just like in photography, the lens you choose can transform your view. Embrace the power of perspective, switch lenses when needed, and capture the beauty and clarity in every moment.

Much love,
