The Path Less Travelled

Passion as a Portal to a Different Dimension

There's this feeling of excitement and passion, an intrinsic need to share ideas I need to take off my chest. It is something very difficult to put into words. It is a feeling, a sensation, an urge that transcends language. When that feeling emerges and I grab my laptop to write, I feel something is possessing me. It is not necessarily “me” writing but a higher force. Steven Pressfield calls it “The Muse.” That magical entity, when it shows up and supports our creative process, allows us to touch the deepest areas of our being. That area where we lose touch with “reality,” we lose touch with our sense of ego, we lose touch with that voice inside our head that is constantly projecting. We forget about the concepts of past and future, we lose touch with the world around us. There’s only now, an eternal now. The writing, the moment, is all you have. You get immersed in the flow state, words being typed on a keyboard without engaging in a mental process to express them—they just come up like a hiccup. Intense, beautiful emotions start flowing very vividly throughout every part of your body. A knot in the throat is present, not from sadness but from happiness. It is a mystical experience. It all makes sense in this moment. It is crazy how the mere act of typing words on a keyboard can transport you to a different dimension.

Why am I writing this? Why? What's the goal? What is the purpose? What would I gain by doing this? We ask these questions a lot in our society that is constantly trying to find the why of things. What if we start creating without the attachment to a particular goal or objective but create just for the sake of creating, just for the sake of experiencing, just for the love of creating art? However you perceive art to be. That is what living a meaningful and connected life means to me.

Finding that excitement for life is a gift, finding those activities that allow us to express the deeper needs of our being. Expressing without the need to be seen, expressing and creating from the mere passion.

What is a successful life? Have you reflected on that question? Take a moment to think about this question beyond our societal conditioning and programming. What makes you tick? What is the purpose of all of this? Is there a purpose? Is that purpose a fixed concept, or is it in constant flow? In my experience, that purpose is moving around all the time. It seems like when I'm just about to catch it, when I am just about to own it, it slips out of my hands and goes to hide again somewhere. What a beautiful game. I have come to the conclusion that I never want to permanently catch it. If I get to catch it, I might limit myself to thinking that my purpose is directed to only one activity or one specific profession. What if the most beautiful aspect of purpose is to be in the constant search for it? What if we are here to explore and realize that we are limitless and able to find purpose in hundreds of expressions throughout our lives?

I embrace my weirdness.

These are the crazy ideas that arise in an airport, waiting for a flight to my next adventure. Just by writing this down, I am able to materialize the passion I'm feeling internally. I know this passion gains momentum when we express it and materialize it—a type of momentum that can grow so big that you start living experiences that you never thought possible. Synchronicities and magic become a reality.

Our ego mind is so extremely limited. We plan, we organize, we strategize in many different ways. Do we get results? Yes, sometimes. But from what I’ve observed through my own life experience, through the mind I can only get limited results. Reality, the divine, life has bigger plans for us, plans that our ego mind could NEVER imagine. I embrace the dance between controlling and letting go, using my mind but not being controlled by it, planning but not forcing. The commitment is to seek a state of receptivity. From there, we can see the subtle messages that life is sending us to take on a different project, a different path, a different direction. Life is the driver, my work is to enjoy the ride.

Does all of this make sense? I don’t know. I am just typing and typing without judging. It just makes sense in this very moment. I have no idea if it will make sense in the future or if it will make sense to anyone else. I am not going to retouch it or change the ideas. I will share it as it is. I don’t know if anyone will read this, but from the bottom of my heart, if you are reading this, I wish you get in touch with the level of passion and excitement for life I am feeling right now. Give that gift to yourself. Our experience here is transitory, and while we live it, why not make the most of it? Why not go all in? A life of novelty, exploration, love, and excitement. Love you.