The Path Less Travelled

The Path Less Travelled: An Introduction

I'd like to start by sharing my perspective on what the conventional path is, how I have experienced it, and how I've seen others engage with it. In general terms, the conventional path is about checking boxes created by our society. Going to school, attending university, deciding what to study at 18 when you're still figuring out who you are, spending 4+ years at university, getting a corporate job, taking out a loan, starting a family—this is the path most of our society follows. Is it bad? Not inherently. There are many positives to it, and for some people, this path aligns perfectly with their true passion and purpose. However, I've also met many who aren't happy with that life. Their authentic path isn't aligned with the conventional path. The way of modern life doesn't resonate with them. Some of these people are beginning to ask important questions. They are questioning the structures of our societal systems and the social programming they've received through their parents, teachers, and environment. Many are asking themselves, "What if there is something else out there? What if life can be lived in a more fulfilling way? Is there a different way of living that could bring me closer to my true dreams, my excitement, and real motivations?"

Now, the unconventional path is harder to describe because it isn't paved, it isn't clear. Well, the clarity isn't at the societal level, but it is found at the individual level. We are all gifted with that clarity to know what is the most authentic path for our lives. The challenge is to remove all the noise, programming, and conditioning that prevent us from seeing it. But it is there, no question about it. The path less travelled doesn't have checkboxes—you create the boxes yourself. You create boxes based on your preferences, acquired through wisdom extracted from your life experiences. There are no limitations on the directions you can take or at what age you can pursue them. When you start walking on this path, you usually start realizing how vast your opportunities are. You aren't limited to a set number of college careers; instead, a whole world of opportunities opens up. Imagine all the professions and monetizable activities that can open up. I know people making millions by making videos online, underwater photographers, content creators, athletes, you name it. Just to illustrate some examples. The activity isn't the point; living authentically to your life and your passion is.

Now, I invite you to read an analogy that represents the contrasts of these paths. The conventional path is like a well-paved road with clear road signs, directions, and support systems to help you "succeed" in the conventional game. It's a comfortable road because you don't need much critical thinking to make decisions—the decisions are often made for you long before you're aware of them. This path is smoothly constructed by the best road engineers in the world—usually your parents, friends, and environment. We easily succumb to the illusion that we have control over our decisions, but are you really deciding for yourself?

On the other hand, the path less travelled is far more unconventional. It isn't paved; it's rocky and difficult. If you take it, you won't have much assistance initially. It's very lonely, and there aren't many people to help with directions. It's uncomfortable, and sometimes you have to clear the path yourself to keep going. But it's yours. You are the protagonist. It's initially ugly, but it's your responsibility to build it and give it direction. It's self-made; you are the engineer. The positive aspect is that this path will ultimately lead you to a life of constant satisfaction. Of course, there will be ups and downs—that's an intrinsic component of life—but deep within yourself, there will be a profound sense of fulfillment that can only come from living life on your own terms. And from that place of fulfillment, you can make a real impact on those around you.

The reason I'm making this analogy is to highlight one of the main purposes of this project. The purpose is to share some of my personal experiences, perspectives, and ideas that have helped me pave my own path toward freedom, excitement, and novelty. I want to use this space to support your path and hopefully make it a little smoother, with fewer rocks and perhaps a few directions. Not too many, though. The beauty of it lies in not having all the directions, support, and aid. The process of building it is exactly what we need to live a truly fulfilled life. But having a few cues and hints can always be helpful.

I don't want you to blindly believe anything I say. I will only share from my own experiences—the perspectives, ideas, and habits that have allowed me to achieve my desired results. This doesn't mean my ideas will work for you. You need to explore what works for you. Some of my ideas might resonate; some might seem crazy. I only ask that you approach them with an open mind and consider trying things out. Judge only once you've taken action. Don't let your negative perceptions limit your options.

The purpose of sharing these ideas comes from an inner need to follow my excitement and purpose. Today, this is what excites me the most: sharing the ideas that have profoundly shaped my life and creating art through many different forms. As long as it feels this way, I will keep doing it. First, to satisfy this inner need to express what's important to me and then, if it positively impacts someone else, that will be the cherry on top. Enjoy!