The Path Less Travelled

The Power of Environment: How External Factors Shape Our Inner World

If you've explored spiritual and philosophical concepts, you're likely familiar with one of the most fundamental aspects of our spiritual growth: the ability to create our own internal reality. It's the belief that we can cultivate harmony, peace, love, and passion within ourselves without relying on external conditions or perfection. This idea suggests that our reality and how we engage with it stem from our innermost being. Whether we find ourselves in different countries, cities, weather conditions, or surrounded by various people, inner harmony is achievable through acceptance—a profound peace with reality as it unfolds.

As I delved deeper into these notions, they resonated deeply with me. I became genuinely interested in achieving this state of inner harmony, free from the constant need to control or perfect my external environment to find happiness. The concept was beautiful, and intellectually, I grasped the steps to get there. However, the gap between my ideals and my reality seemed immense. External factors such as my social circle, work dynamics, culture, family issues, and even basic things like the weather significantly influenced my inner state. Despite embracing the idea of creating my inner reality, achieving true inner freedom felt distant.

I admired enlightened individuals who seemed to radiate bliss regardless of external circumstances—yogis meditating in the Himalayas for weeks or fasting without discomfort. Their serene existence and levels of equanimity felt aspirational. Yet, in my current state of consciousness, such bliss seemed out of reach. It led me to question: instead of solely accepting external conditions, why not actively shape my external reality to support my inner growth? Perhaps creating a stable foundation in my outer world could propel me towards higher consciousness, passion, and personal growth—an approach different from mere acceptance.

Navigating between acceptance and creation reveals a fine line worth exploring. I began to realize that proactive change in our external environment is a crucial phase in personal growth. Only when our external circumstances align with our inner aspirations can we truly focus on spiritual growth and acceptance. Transitioning from acceptance to empowerment involves confronting fears and stepping into the unknown, beyond comfort zones.

Taking responsibility for our reality involves identifying aspects of our external world that hinder our goals or inner peace. It may mean distancing from toxic relationships, quitting a job, moving to a new country, or embracing significant life changes. While acceptance of what we cannot change is vital, co-creating a supportive external reality is essential for deeper fulfillment and alignment with our true selves.

Once we break free from chains that keep us unhappy, we can approach life from a place of acceptance. We learn to embrace the unchangeable aspects of life while actively transforming what holds us back from living our fullest, most blissful life. Embracing change where we once thought it impossible is a profound beauty in itself.

I invite you to reflect on areas where you passively accept reality without taking action toward your life's true fulfillment. May you find the wisdom to discern what cannot be changed and embrace reality as it is—a journey worth exploring.

Much love,
